I just installed JigoShop to my site and am in the process of uploading my new products.
You’ll see some website makeovers as I figure out the right theme that also keeps my sidebar alive.
I’ll still have an Etsy presence, but it is getting harder to keep track of what is online, what expired, and what hasn’t been uploaded yet.
Since the Etsy IPO and made-in-China products creeping in it feels like it is time to take control over my online shop.
The good news is that product shoots and edits have become routine and are less tricky than when I first started listing products.
The WordPress interface is just like my blog.
I already got my very first order the day after installation.
Now I just need to figure out more of its functionality so I can ship more pieces into the world.
I still have a lot more to upload!
You’ll also see everything in my various Fall and Holiday fairs that I am applying to right now.
Here’s to upward trends!