Fall is trying to make its entrance and it’s been getting spooky in the studio. I reviewed the pieces I have on hand from last year, and was inspired to make more. With my plant stakes having such a positive response I decided to try a batty design as well. I pulled a generic bat […]
Category Archives: Maikes Marvels Creations
In mid-September I pulled out the checklist and started gathering my art booth supplies for the weekend. This year my booth for the Ravenswood ArtWalk was in the Hayes Properties Atrium. This was a new venue to me, but a few veterans directed me in where to set up my booth. Soon we all had […]
Since my foray onto sewing I have been eager to incorporate fabric into my wax and wire designs too. The Ladybugs with fabric scraps are holding up well. Then a few weeks ago while popping by Evanston Sticthworks Amalia asked me about making scarf pins. I had already designed a safety pin for a friend, […]
I’m off to assist family with a post-Harvey move in Houston, but you can still shop my pieces in various Chicagoland places. I brought my magick spell book stakes over to Sacred Art, along with some bats to keep them company. An orange ladybug also decided to stow away in the batch. Owner Kate also […]
I’ve been trying to maintain normalcy since August 25, but there is a lot of emotional upheaval when the town you spent 8 years in is devastated by a catastrophic storm. My mom and brother still live in the greater Houston area, as do many of my high school classmates whose parents are still rooted […]
Sometimes a newsletter can lead to a commission. In response to my July newsletter, I got a request for a keychain. My friend wanted to carry a reminder of her ‘emerald green’ aura with her, and as soon as I read that I was thrilled. I wasn’t sure if I had Emerald, but it turned […]
Last summer I made a dragonfly stake on a whim and it was well-received. This year I took the production level up a notch and added ladybug stakes to the collection. I distributed them at my various boutique outlets, and they steadily fly off to new homes. A post on Facebook prompted Ayla’s Originals to […]
Whew, I thought 2 weeks between shows is a long time, but there is still a lot to be done by Saturday. When I went to the Bead & Button show in June I stopped by Ayla’s booth first, and was promptly stickered by Joe. At that time, we made plans for a trunk show, […]
On Friday, I will be attending Morpho Gallery’s National Call for Encaustic Entries Opening party. This annual exhibit of encaustic artists will be held August 4 at from 6 to 9 pm at 5216 N Damen Avenue in Chicago. The 6th Annual Encaustic Exhibition includes 2D and 3D work made with the hot wax method […]
On Thursday, a new pop-up shop will be opening its doors to the public. The Evanston Pop-up Gallery officially launches at 11 AM to showcase the art work of 50+ artists. I snapped a photo of the application email when I walked by in June, and was promptly invited to see the space when I […]