Tag Archives: learning

Anticipating ThinkStartDo

Next week a fabulous entrepreneurial idol is coming to town and I will get some continuing education in. Megan Hunt is a serial entrepreneur I discovered in an issue of Where Women Create, and since then I have followed her various adventures from Princess Lasertron to Hello Holiday to AirBnB hosting and her various speaking […]

2012 take-aways

I thought about doing a year-end post, but listing all my activities by month is overwhelming. So here are some takeaways from the year: Learning = daring Several workshops both in encaustics and outside of my medium encouraged me to try new things and practice them in my own work, which led to much growth, […]

Art Marketing-the value of interactive discussion

“You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.  You’re on your own. And you know what you know.  YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.” ~ Dr. Seuss, Oh, the places you’ll go Last May, I took a 5-week course that was […]

I can draw!

photo copyright Maike's Marvels

“I am a firm believer in drawing as a way of understanding the world. Drawing is thinking.” ~ Milton Glaser Over the past month I’ve been taking Lauren Levato‘s Botanical, Butterflies and Beetles drawing workshop. You may have noticed that although I took a drawing class in February last year, no drawings have emerged since […]

studio time and another upcoming show

I’m back in the studio again, yippie. Since taking a variety of workshops over the spring, I have not spent time making encaustic pieces. It doesn’t mean I haven’t created anything. I learned encaustic techniques from Bridgette Guerzon Mills, Crystal Neubauer and Shawna Moore; bound books at the Chicago Print Collaborative, had two sessions of […]


So I went to Geneva laden with stationery to hand-write letters, drawing homework, and a small project idea. Little did I know that the minute I would step into my Herrington Spa & Inn hotel room, I would be enveloped in a cloud of relaxation, that had me forget all about work, to-do lists, and […]

Encaustic and Mixed Media/Photography Workshop

“I believe that if you are creating something that is truly coming from within, that is your true vision and authentic voice, then it will speak to other people.” ~ Bridgette Guerzon Mills in The Artist Unique by Carmen Torbus  An encaustic palette at the end of the day PerficalSense Studio Workshop Space This weekend […]

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